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After 25+ years in the health/fitness and nutrition industry (we can tell you all about those years if you really want to know) - we're confident we can help you reach your goals.  We've done personal training, group fitness instructing, small group training, coaching, nutrition coaching, management...we've worked with kids, teens, adults and seniors.  We have you covered!

Our sincere goal is to help people learn to train and live intentionally in a way that fits their lives.


No matter what level you're at, we have the tools to help you learn, grow and make changes towards a holistically healthier you.

The #1 concern we hear about Training at RTC is "I don't know how to do that." We promise you, you CAN train with us, and we will teach you HOW to train with purpose. 

There are levels for EVERYONE - we're here to help you find what challenges and helps YOU! 


We've been around since 2015 as Training Floor Fitness LLC.  We recently changed our DBA (doing business as) Renovation Training Company to better reflect the range of training we offer to help meet the needs of our members and our greater community.

We are so thankful for our people, for our community and for the opportunity to help people live holistically healthier lives.  


We sincerely hope you decide to be part of our crew! 


In case you're curious...

-We've been married since 1999

when we're not at RTC... you might find us: 

- homeschooling our 2 no-longer-mini humans
-watching our daughter compete in USAPL Power Lifting Events with Stand Strong Sports Performance

- hanging with our fab church Summit Faith Community in Farmington

- drinking coffee

- making believe we have a mini homestead 

- Loving God. Loving People.

-Dominic hosts a men's Bible Study at 8:30am 1 & 3rd Sat of each month at RTC

-Betsy hosts a women's Bible Study at 8:30am 1 & 3rd Sat of each month at RTC

Both groups are studying the Gospel of John (until we finish... or Jesus comes :))

Emails & Texts go directly to Betsy, so don't be afraid to reach out with questions!


(207) 578-4421

©2018 by Training Floor Fitness. Proudly created with

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